File Name Titles (Description) copies
Alchoholics Anonymous All Things Considered 3
A.A. (1941)
Alexander, - Culture and Personality Culture and Personality (1938)
Ackerly, S.S. The Clinic Team
Andover - Escape From the Dead Hand Escape From the Dead Hand
Barth, Carl - Letter to East Germans Karl Barth's Own Words
Ballinger Religious Care for Hospital Patients
Devotial Literature for Patients
The Factors that Commonly Worry the Patient in Hospital
The Sumer School of Pastoral Care
Barber, Theodore The Concept of "Hypnosis"
Beatty (photo) photo
Welcome Home
How to Pray
Veterans Administration Seminar for chiefs of Professional Services
Special Services Information Bulletin
My Last Wonderful Days 2
Shall We Talk About Death 2
The Chaplains Manual
Black, Margurita B - Swedenborg Scientist into Seer: The Psychological problem Presented by Swedenborg
Bellack, Leopold The Concept of Projection: An Experimental Investigation and Study of the Concept
Beers, Clifford - Survey 1930 The New World of the Mind
Brauer, Inaugural Address Protestanitsm and Theological Education in America
Bellevue Hospital Protestant Chaplaincy at Bellevue Hospital
Bender - Psychoses among Followers of Father Divine Psychoses among Followers of Father Divine
Blakeman, Edward Evangelism and Education
Religious Education
Bowman, H.L. - Mantal Hygiene - Religion Mental Health in Relation to Religion
Suggesstions for Mental Health
Braden, Charles - Spiritual Healing in the Churches Study of Spiritual Healing in the Churches
Bradley, Morton Jr. Sentence Structure and Sentence Form
A New Form for Prose
A Theory of Tone Attraction
The Laura Davidson Sears Academy of Fine Arts of the Elgin Academy
Brethren - Year of Service Women Serve in Mental Hospitals
Bruder Speaking From the Wilderness of the Lost
The Self Styled Atheist
The Role of the Chaplain in Patient Relationships: Initial Religious Interview
Book Reviews and Notices
The Mental Ministry
A Survey of Ten Years of Clinical Pastoral Training at Saint Elizabet's Hospital
St. Elizabeth's pace-setter for mental hospitals
A Clinically Trained Religious Ministry in the Mental Hospital
A Chaplain is Needed
St. Elizabeth's hospital bulletin
Sunday, December 24, 1944 bulletin
Sunday, April 1, 1945 bulletin
Sunday, April 1, 1945 devotional
Christmas Devotional 1955 devotional
Bryan, W. A.  Do You Know slips
Helping the Patient slips
Reminder slips
A Request slips
Treatment of Patients slips
Nativity of Patients slips
Christmas Greeting slips
Psychiatry in the Massachusetts Courst
A Project for the Standardization of Mental Hospitals
letter? correspondence
Bryan, W. L. letter? correspondence
The Measured and the Not-Yet-Measured: The Seer 2
A Better World or None 2
He Knew What Was in Man 2
The Answer of Easter
President Bryan's Address clipping
William Lowe Bryan
Buchman Movement The Letter 5 - Christmas 1928
My Relation to What is called "Buchmanism"
Caughy by "Buchmanism" In Spite of Myself
The Work of Frank Buchman
An Apostle to Youth
Burhoe, Ralph - Religion in Age of Science Insititue of Religion in An Age of Science
Cabot: Meaning of Right & Wrong  Meaning of Right & Wrong CTS Register 1933
Campbell, C. M. Harvard Medical School, Deptarment of Psychiatry, Outline of Examination
Psychotherapy 4
The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal
case study? case study?
Delusion and Belief
Abnormal Psychology 2
Religion and Morbid Mental States
Cannon. W. B. - "Voodoo" Death "Voodoo" Death
Carlson, A.J. Science Versus Life
The Older Worker
Some Medicosocial Problems Created By Modern Medicine
Physiologic Changes in Aging
Prolongation of the life Span of Rats by Bulk-Formers in the Diet
The University and the Present Crisis
Science, Education, and the Future of Man
Science and the Supernatural
Is there "A Standard to Which the Wise and the Honest can Repair"?
Artistic Lying
What is Wrong with the American Diet?
Chesterton, G. K. - The Game of Psychoanalysis The Game of Psychoanalysis
Cheville, R. A. The Role of Religious Education in the Accommodation of a Sect
Chisholm - Re-establishment of Peace Treaty The Psychiatry of Enduring Peace and Social Progress
The Establishment of Preactime Society
Clark - Theosophical Occultism and Mental Hygiene Theosophical Occultism and Mental Hygiene
Aggressiveness and Military Training
Clark, W. H. The Psychology of Religion and the Understanding of Man in Religious Educaiton
Clymer - Can the Counselor Be a Prophet? Can the Counselor Be a Prophet?
Coe - Mystical Survey The Mystical as a Psychological Concept
Religion from the Standpoint of Functional Psychology
Religion and the Subconscious
Mystical Types chart
Can Religion be Taught?
A Survey of the Mystical chart 40
Curtis, Hannah Economic Effected Through State Hospital Social Work
Davis, Ozora The Opulent Life
A Personality Sketch
Dicks, the Minister in the Hospital The Minister in the Hospital
The Ministry of Listening 2
Dodd, Aleck - Re-organization of character The Re-organization of Character
Dunbar, H.F. The Faith and the New Psychology
The Clinical Training of Theological Students 2
Homeostasis During Puberty
Immunity to the Afflictions of Old Age
Dynamic Aspects of Cardiovasuclar Symptomatology
Mental Hygiene and Religious Teaching
Psychic Factors in Cardiovascular Disease
Physical Mental Relationsips in Illness
"What Happens at Lourdes?"
When Children Blow Off Steam
Psychosomatic Medicine 2
Dunheim, H.W. - Insanity Rate of Chicago The Ecology of the Funcitonal Psychoses in Chicago
The Schizophrene and Criminal Behavior
Types of Cultural and Economic Areas map
Insanity Rates in Chicago, 1930-1931 map
Undiagnosed Psychosis Rates in Chicago 1922-1931 map
Catatonic Schizophrenia Rates in Chicago 1922-1931 map
Hebephrenic Schizophrennia Rates in Chicago 1922-1931 map
Manic Depressive Rates in Chicago 1922-1931 map
Paranoid Schizophrenia Rates in Chicago 1922-1931 map
Schizophrenia Rates in Chicago 1922-1931 map
Schizophrenia Rates for Males in Chicago 1922-1931 map
Schizophrenia Rates for Females in Chicago 1922-1931 map
Distribution of 292 Cases of Schziophrenia map
Alcholic Psychosis Rates in Chicago 1922-1931 map
General Paralysis Rates in Chicago 1922-1931 map
Senile Psychosis Rates in Chicago 1922-1931 map
Epilepsy Rates in Chicago 1922-1931 map
Dutt, Ram (photo) photo
Boisen's Pioneer Studies with Schizophrenia 6
Eastman, Fred "Farmer Smith and the Country Church"
Conservative Conference, Memphis, TN November 13-14
The Consolidation of Churches: Why and How?
The Seminary of the Future
A Christian War Creed
"Can America Save Her Poets?"
Christian Work: A Religious Weekly Review
Ye Shall Be My People: A Pageant of Brotherhood
Playing Fair by the Contributors 2
Adventurous Living
Concerning Book Reviews for the Register
The Triumph of the Defeated: An Easter Pageant
Religion and the Arts
The Open Door   May 19, 1952
"Retirement" in Pilgrim Place
What the Country Church is Up Against
A Rural Survey in Kentucky
Survey Graphic   June 1924
What the Left Hand Doeth
Eastman, Dr. Cabot's Appeal to Seminaries Dr. Cabot's Appeal to Seminaries
Edwards, R.H. "Organizing Myself" Organizing Myself - Student's Edition
Organizing Myself - Teacher's Edition
Eitzen, D. "Clinical Training in Religion"
History of the Psychology of Religion
Eliot , Thos II Review of Oliver's Fear
Insanity, Relativity and Group Formation
Ellis, Havelock with Dr. Kinsey Dr. Kinsey and Mr. Ellis
Emmanuel Movement Because I live, ye shall live also
The Survey Social Charitable Civic   April 17, 1909
Emurian, E - Hymns Hymns 2
Epilepsy Epilepsy: the Ghost is out of the Closet
Fairbanks Ministering to the Sick
Foreign Missions - Rethinking of Re-Thinking Foreign Missions with the American Board
Fosdick - Mental Hygiene An Interpretation of Pacificism
The Wages of Hate
Address by Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick at the 18th Annual Meeting of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene
Frankfort, Henri - Achaemenia Sculpture Achaemenia Sculpture
The Cairo Test on Linen 2
Layard, Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon letter
Thomas M. French Goal Mechanism and Integrative Field
Akinesia After Ventriculography
Social Conflict and Psychic Conflict
Psychological Factors in Asthma
Reality and the Unconscious
Defense and Synthesis in the Function of the Ego
A Clinical Study of Learining in the Course of a Psychoanalytic Treatment
Reality Testing in Dreams
Goldschmitt, Walter Some Evidence on the Future Pattern of Rural Settlement
Class Denominationalism in Rural California Churches
Large Farms or Small: The Social Side
Occupation characterizations of classes of churches and of chruch going poplution chart
Variation in Occupational characteristics of Protestant Churches chart
Goldwyn, J. - Hypnosis "Hypnoidalization": Its Psychotherapeutic Value
The Effect of Hypnosis on Basal Metabolism 2
Guiles, A.P. Psychology, Psychiatry and Religion
Austin Philip Guiles
Healy - War The New Republic   Wednesday October 6, 1926
Hill - Teaching as a Function of the State Hospital Teaching as a Function of the State Hospital
lettter from A.T.Boisen to Dr. Hill letter
Psychoterhaphy of a Schizophrenic
Infantile Personalities 2
Anticpation of Arousing Specific Neurotic Feelings in the Psychoanalyst
The Nature of Extramural Schizophrenia
Obstacles to Psychotherapy
So-Called Functional Heart Disease
Hocking: Salvation Concluding Remarks in Alden-Tuthill Lectures
Hoffman Sacred Songs for Soprano, Alto and Baritone
Holman - Pastor and Care of Souls When the Clergyman and the Psychiatrist Meet
The Training of Ministers as Personal Religious Counselors
Holt, John B. - Holiness Cults Holiness Religon: Cultural Schock and Social Reorganization
Course Reading Assignments - Religon and the Social Order
letter to John   20 November 1940 letter
letter to Boisen   December 25, 1942 letter
Hospital Service in the US 1935 Hospital Service in the United States
Howe: Religon Ideas in Psychoses The Influence of Religious ideas on the Etiology, Symptomology and Prognosis of the Psychoses
Huston, Paul The Psychopathic Hospital Outpatient Clinic
Hutchinson: Insight in Relation to Religion The Phenomenon of Insight in Relation to Religion
The Phenomenon of Insight in Relation to Religion (edited) 7
The Religion of Two hundred Farmers of McHengry County, IL
Irwin - Images of Yahweh Images of Yahweh
The Reviving Theolgoy of the Old Testament
Revelation in the Old Testament
Jacobson, J. Robert Refview of a Year of Psychotherapy
Jenkins, R. L. Schizophrenic Ideation as Striving Toward the Solution of Conflict
The Schizophrenic Sequence: Withdrawal, Disorganization, Psychotic Reorganization 2
Patterns of Maladjustment in Children 2
Common Syndromes in Child Psychiatry
Suturing the Schizophrenic Split
Fundamental Patterns of Maladjustment: The Dynamics of their Origin 2
A Psychiatric View of Personality Structure in Children
Effects of Prefrontal Lobotomy on Patients with Severe Chronic Scizophrenia
The Treatment of the Young Delinquent
Joseph Smith Tells His Own Story…
Criteria and Experimental Design for Evaluation Results of Lobotomy
Problems of Treating Delinquents
Prediction of Success or Failure of Delinquents Boys From Sentence Completion
The Psychopathic or Anitsocial Personality
Patterns of Personality Organization Among Delinquents
Psychiatry at the Crossroads
Types of Personality Structure Encountered in Child Guidance Clinics
Book Reviews
Johnson, Paul Clinical Psychology for the Pastor
Seminar in Psychology of Religious Emotions
Religious Psychology and Health
Emotional Factors in Motivation
Seminar in Psychology of Personality
Jordan - College Oratory The Value of Higher Education:an address to Young people
The Duty of the Scholar towards the Community
College Oratory: an address delivered in the College Chapel - Indiana University
Kahn - Eugen, Delusions Psychopathologie Generale
Katz - Alcoholism A Pragmatic Approach to the Control of "Chronic Alcoholism"
Katz, Robert L.  Counseling the Bereaved
Aspects of Pastoral Psychology and the Rabbinate
Keller: School of Applied Religion The Summer School: A seesion of the Graduate School of Applied Religion
Supplement No. 1 to the Catalogue
The Graduate School of Applied Religion 2
The Graduate School of Applied Religion brochure
Gearing Religon to Meet Problems of Modern Life
News Notes  July-August 1936
What is Pastoral Theology?
Lecture Program fot he Summer School in Social Service for Candidates for the Ministry and Junior Clergy
Kent, Grace A Combination Mental Test for Clinical Use
Kielholz, Arthur Of an Interesting American 2
Der Psychologe
Von der Verhutung seelisher Storungen
Aarau, Sitzerland - 16 August 1952 letter 4
Kinderbucher, ihre Dicter und das Unbewubte
Von Heilgottern und von Zahnarzten
Jakob Boehme und Baruch Spinoza als Vorlaufer der Psychologie
Von einem interessanten Amerikaner
Von einem seelischen Zwischenreich
Von der Ubertragung
Vom Zwiesinn
Psychotherapie, Seelsorge und Gewissn
Kind und Wahn
Zur Psychologie der Linkshandigkeit
Von der Verbrechensverhutung in Anstalten
"Director Dr. med. Rielholz clipping
(photo) photo
6 February 1953 - Dear Dr. Kielholz letter
Hermann Balthasar Boisen
Zwei Pioniere der Padanalyse
die Versuchung des heiligen Antonius
Humor im Irrenhaus
Analytische Beitrage zur Kirchengeschichte des Urchristentums
Zur Geschichte der Psychiatrie im Kanton Aargau
Archaologie und Psychopathologie
Psycholhygienische und psychotherapeutische Beitrage zu den Erscheinungen der modernen Volkerwanderung
Vonm Rauchen und Trinken
Aarau 17, 1955 correspondence
Arthur Kielholz, Aarau: Personliche Erinnerungen an Freud
Kirby, George Focal Infection and Mental Disease
Klinck, Thomas The Chaplain and the Acutely Disturbed Patient 2
Kluver: Mechanisims of Hallucinations Psychology at the Begginning of World War II: Meditations on the Impending Dismemberment of Psychology Written in 1942
Mechanisms of Hallucinations
The Biology of Mental Health and Disease
Stepehn Polyak, M.D. 1889-1955
"The Temproal Lobe Syndrome" Produced by Bilateral Ablations
General Discussion
Polyak, the Vertebrate Visual System: Foreward
Behavior Mechanisms in Monkeys
Mr. President: correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen correspondence
The Brain and Human Behavior: Discussion
The Brain and Human Behavior: Periamygdaloid area in relation to human behavior
The Brain and Human Behavior: Pharmacologically-induced behavioral disturbances
Kempf The Meaning of Suicide
Kimberly Psychoneurotic Depressions
Kueller An Unusual Case
Landis Religious Bodies Emphasizing Healing and Health Practices 2
Lawton, Kermit A Chaplain's Records and Reports
Lieberman, Alan A Psychiatrist Views the Role of the Psychiatirc Social Worker in the Mental Hospital
Lowrie, W. - About Hymns About Hymns form the "Candid Companoin of the Hymnal"
Mannheim:Ideology and Utopia Ideology and Utopia
Marst, L.C. Group Treatment of the Psychoses by the Psychological Equivalent of the Revival
Martin - Beliefs What I Believe 2
Maslow, Abraham - Reprints Notes on Being - Psychology
The Creative Attitude
May, Rollo  "Psychiatry & Being"
Mayo - Sin with a Capital S Sin With a Capital "S" 2
McDougall The Nature of Functional Disease
McGiffert The Future of Liberal Christianity in America
The Inauguration of the Reverend Arthur Cushman McGifert, Jr.
In Memoriam: Arthur Cushman McGiffert
"Minister and Psychiatrist" 2
Trends in Religious Convictions
McNeill  Medicine for Sin as Prescribed in the Penitentials
McPeek Francis W. McPeek (1911-1958) 8
Social Action - The Church and Economic Life
Social Action - Against Slums in Washington
Of Parson theophilus Pink, D. D. 2
My Lord and My God! bulletin
Labor Letter: Letter # 1 letter
Labor Letter: Letter # 3 letter
The Ministry in the Mental Hospital
Menniger The Menninger Foundation (Vol. 2 No. 4)
The Menninger Foundation (Vol. 2 No. 5)
A Suggested Basic Psychiatric Reading List, 1948
If We Can Love
Menninger - Nursing Care The Journal of the American Medical Association (Vol. 106 No. 10)
Mennonite & Mental Hospital Report July 6 and 7, 1953 Chicago
Mental Health and the Mennonite Situation July 1953
Case for Christians in a Psychiatric Program July 1953
Gleanings - Phiadelphia Study Group
Community Problems That Should be Recognized by a Christian Mental Health Program
A Christian Concept of the Dynamics of Emotional Illness and the Task of Psychotherapy
The Non-Christian Psychiatrist in a Christian Program
Assumptions, Procedures and Experiences of the MCC in the field of Mental Health
Mental Health Service Annual Report 1952
Mennonite Central Committee Mental Health Study Conferences
Report of the Treatment Committee on Diagnostic Categories
Merom, Ind Hoosier Churches: A Study of the Rural Congregational Christian Churches of Indiana
Meyer. Syllabus The Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Dec 1910- Jan 1911)
Outline of First Year Course
A Syllabus of Examination for Psychiatric Cases
Montague, Margaret P. The Golden Moment
The World's Funny Bone
Miller, S. H. "Pastoral Experience and Theological Training: the Implications of Depth Psychology for Christian Theology"
Morris, Signs, Languages and Behavior Signs, Languages and Behavior
Morrison - Evangelizing the World Evangelizing the Church
Mowrer, Hobart Dear Dr. Mowrer (Aug 4 1959) letter
To: Members of the Lilly Conference on Religion and mental Health (Oct 22, 1958) correspondence 2
To: Members of the Lilly Conference on Religion and mental Health (Sept 11, 1958) correspondence
Psychology and Religion
Summary of Research on Conversion to be Presented tot eh Lilly Conference on Religion and Mental Health
The Judeo-Christian Faith and Mental Health
Psychopathology and the Problem of Guilt: A Clinical Approach
Religion and Mental Health (Discussion)
Changing Conceptions of the Unconscious 4
The Crisis in Psychiatry and Religon: An Analysis of the Moral Issues
"Sin," The Lesser of Two Evils
Christianity and/or Psychoanalysis?
Science, Sex, and Values
The New Challenge to our Churches and Seminaries
Moyle, H.B. A Study in Social Maladjustment
The Role of the Concept of Sin in Psychotherapy
Murray A Version of Man
Nash, Norman B. Dr. Nash Named, May Not Accept clipping
Ohio - Mental Hygiene Assoc. A Memorandum on Cleveland State Hospital
On the Record (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Ouellette & French What Happened Here?
Parsons, Howard Theology and Therapy
The Social Implications of Science
Reality, Value, and Growth
Death and the Last Judgment
Dear Friends:  (Christmas, 1953) letter
Palmer, G. H. The Glory of the Imperfect
Pope, Listen Scale of Factors in Transition from Sect to Church
Pruyser, Trends in Psychology of Religion Some Trends in the Psychology of Religion
Read, C.F. Modern State Hospital Treatment of the Psychotic
The State of Illinois and its Problem of Mental Disease and Defectiveness
Clinical Staff Conference
Our Superintendent
Read, Daniel An Address delivered before the Regents, Faculty and Students of the University
Rice, Otis Religion and the Church in Relation to Alcohol Additction
The Relationship Between Religion and Psychotherapy in the Adjustment of the Individual
Riley, W. H. Correspondence correspondence
Rogers, Carl Short-Term Education for Personal Counseling
Psychological Adjustments of Discharged Service Personnel
A Counseling Viewpoint
Ross, Edward Alsworth Portrait of a Great American
Russia in 1939 From the New Statesman (26 Aug 1939) correspondence
Rutledge, Aaron Concepts of God Among the Emotionally Upset
Sacco & Vanzette The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti
Independence or Isolation?
Sadler - Questionnaire Special Questionnaire and General Personality Survey
Salisbury - His Violin The Welfare Bulletin (Vol 35 no 5)
Sampson A Problem of American Civilization
Sarbin, Theodore Clinical Psychology - Art or Science? 4
Predicitng the Depth of Hypnosis by Means of the Rorschach Test
Relation of Measured Interests to the Allport-Vernon Study of Values
Studies in Psychosomatics 4
The Concept of Role-Taking
A Preliminary Study of the Relation of Measured Interest Patterns and Occupational Dissatisfaction
Rorschach Patterns Under Hypnosis
A Contribution to the study of Actuarial and Individual Methods of Prediction
Remarks on the Logic of Prediciton in Pschology
Remarks on Actuarial and Individual Methods of Prediction 2
Schauer, Gerhart Repetition-Compulsion and Spontaneity
The Function of an Audience Analyst in Psychodrama
Schroeder, Theodore Shaker Celibacy and Salacity, Psychologically Interpreted
A Unique Heathen to Which is Now Added Theodore Schroeder on the Erotogenesis of Religion
Shakon, David "One Hundred Years of American Psychiatry" 2
A Psychological Study of Schizophrenic: Exemplification of a Method
Training in Clinical Psychology - A Note on Trends
Graduate Internship Training in Psychology
Play Technique in Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses: I. Rationale
Play Technique in Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses: II. An Experimental Study of Schizophrenic Constructions with Play Materials
(chart) chart
Simkhovitch Approaches to History I
Single Woman's Dilemma The Single Woman's Dilemma
Smith, Gerald Birney The Divinity Student (Vol VI no 2)
Snyder, Ross Anchorage for Children and Young People Immersed in a World of War
St. Charles School for Boys songs
Steinberg, D.L. photo with caption clipping
Stevenson, Ian Why People Change
Sullivan: Conservative and Malignant Factors in Schizophrenia A Note on the Implications of Psychiatry, the Study of Interpersonal Relations, for Investigations in the Social Sciences
Schizophrenia: Its Conservative and Malignant Features 2
D. C. Doctor Pitted Psychiatry Against War clipping
The Modern World (March 1927)
Taylor, Graham June Graphic Survey (June 1, 1930)
Terman, L. M. The Discovery and Encouragement of Exceptional Talent
Correlates of Orgasm Adequacy in a Group of 556 Wives
Prediction Data: Predicting Marriage Failure from Test Scores
Special Education for the Gifted Child
Thurstone Personality Schedule
Comparison of Symptoms in Moore and Thurstone Factor Groups
Multiple Factor Analysis of Psychotic Symptoms
Last fall (1928) was … correspondence
Todd Courses in Religion (Indiana School of Religion)
U. S. Public Health Services Suggestions for Preparation of Application
New Horizons in Medical Research
Urban "Uber-Bewusstsein" (Cosmic - Consciousness)
Van Dusen - Holy Rollers Caribbean Holiday
Van Nuys  The Journal of Bible and Relgion (Vol XXI, No 4)
Von Wilzlaben On Loneliness
Wahl, C. W. Some Antecedent Factors in the Family Histories of 568 Male Schizophrenics of the United States Navy
War-time Counseling Juvenile Delinquency in Wartime
Personal Problems of Men in the Armed Forces
Individuality in a War-Ordered World
Fortune (Dec 1943): Psychiatric Toll of Warfare
Washington Life Adjustments Center The Washington Life Adjustment Center 2
Adult Department of the Washington Institute of Mental Hygiene
Washington Institute of Mental Hygiene
Watson, Dr. James Division of Mental Hygiene
Wells, F.S. Intelligence and Psychosis
Wegrocki, H.J. Generalizing Ability in Schizophrenia: An Inquiry into the Disorders of Problem Thinking in Schizophrenia
Westberg, Granger Chaplain's Department Patients' Library Service
Pastoral Counseling Bibliography
Wieks, Chas Congregationalism in Rural Wisconsin
Wieman, H.N. Wanted: A Structure of Religious Thought for Higher Education
Some Blind Spots Removed
Wise, Carroll The Life of Frederick W. Nietzsche
The Role of the Clergy in Relation to the Mentally Ill
Ther Clergy and Community Education for Mental Hygiene
Pastoral Counseling on Family Problems of Returning Service Men
Family Problems of Returning Service Men
Religion and Health
Counseling on Personal Problems
Whitehead - Psychological Tests Tentative Check List of Psychotic Behavior Traits 2
Psychology Internes Examination Illinois State Hospitals 2
Scientific Method in the Study of Human Nature
Wittman, Phyllis Etiologic Factors in the Adjustment of men in the Armed Forces
Behavior Rating Scale
Elgin Behavior Rating Scale Revision
Instructions for Use of Elgin Behavior Rating Scale Revision
Elgin Check List of Fundamental Psychotic Behvior Reactions
Proposed Classification of Personality Types
Prognosis Rating Scale 3
Temperament Disorders 3
Employee Interest Inventory Mental Hygiene Service
Women's Service in Mental Hospitals Women's Service in Mental Hospitals
Woodburn: United Presbyterian Beginnings United Presbyterian Beginnings 3
Indiana University Alumni Quarterly (Vol XXI No. 2)
United Presbyterian Church 1833-1933
Young, Kimball Study of Hymns
Zon Public Good Comes First
Perspective - Does it Dim with Age?
Hogg foundn
Hogg Foundation Let Me Introduce Myself!
Organizing for Mental Health on a County-Wide Basis
Essentials of a Community Mental Health Program
Children and the War
Putting the Individual Together
The State Mental Hospital -- An Eductaional Center
Intelligence, Social Acceptance & Social Mindedness
In Defense of the Introvert
The Texas Eleemosynary Journal (Vol II No. 1)
Character Educn
Character Education Stenographic Report of the Character Education Research Conference
Rural Life
Forestry and Farm Income
Hospital Hymnals
Order of Ebening Service
Hymns of Hope and Courage
The Church and the Agricultural Crisis
Life Up Your Hearts
Improving Protestant Worship in Mental Hospitals 2