Drawer #3 - Book
Reviews and Minor Articles |
File Name |
Titles |
(Description) |
copies |
Miscl |
Misc. Articles |
Three Allies in a Common Cause |
pamphlet |
2 |
Darkness and Light |
pamphlet |
What's The Matter With This Man? |
pamphlet |
College of Preachers |
pamphlet |
College of Preachers |
Our Neglected Insane |
The Story of Washington Cathedral |
pamphlet |
1948 Summer School of Pastoral Care |
pamphlet |
1955 Summer Schools of Pastoral Care |
pamphlet |
Dedicatory Service |
The Chaplain's Part in Healing the Sick |
Religion and Health |
"The Lure of Superiority" |
Dear Anton: (June 17, 1959) |
letter |
Clinical Training in Theological
Education: The Period of Beginnings |
2 |
Appendix |
Religious Factors in Schizophrenia:
A Proposed Research Project |
A Research Project |
Dedicatory Program of the Psychiatric Department |
Miscellaneous |
"The spirit of the Lord is upon me,
." |
manuscript |
The Rankian Method of Psychoanalysis
for the Cure of Personality Problems |
Address delivered by Robert H. Klein
before the City Club of Chciago, June 28, 1954 |
Educational Maturity by Franz Alexander, M.D. |
As A Pastor |
pamphlet |
The Cleveland Round Table |
The Charles and Geraldine Gilkey Fund |
." |
notes |
"Anglican Theological Review" |
notes |
Religious Aspects of Mental Illness |
2 |
American Foundations and Their Fields |
Approaches ot Human Adjustment |
A Call to the Ministry |
The Reestablisment of Peacetime
Soiciety: The Responsibility of Psychiatry by G.B.
Chisholm, M.D. |
2 |
Original Sin |
The Good News of Damnation by Rober M. Hutchins |
Book Reviews |
Alexander - Our Age of Unreason, 1942 |
Our Age of Unreason |
Allan, Denison M. - Realm of Personality
- in Christendom |
The Realm of Personality |
"A Philosopher Psycholgizes" |
Allport, Gordon - Personality: A
Psychologcial Interpretaion |
"Personality: A Psychological Interpretation |
Angyal, A - Foundations for a Science of
Personality |
Foundations for a Science of Personality |
Arieti - Interpretation of Schizophrenia |
Silvano Arieti, Interpretation of
Schizophrenia. Brunner, 1955 |
Arieti, Sylvano. Interpretation of
Schizophrenia. N.Y., Brunner, 1955, 522pp. |
Bach, George R. - Intensive Group
Therapy |
Intensive Group Therapy |
"Intensive Grooup Psychotherapy
(Reviews of Current Books)" |
Bentley & Cowery - The Problem of
Mental Disorder |
"The Problem of Mental Disorder" |
Boisen, A.T. - Inspiration and Hymnody |
Inspiration And Hymnody: Some
Remarks on "Hymns of Hope and Courage" |
Bonnell, J.S. - Pastoral Psychiatry |
See Allport, Gordon: Personality: A Psychological Interpretation |
cross reference |
Bryan, William Lowe - Wars of Families
of Minds |
"Wars of Families of Minds" |
Cameron, Norman - Psychology of Behavior
Disorder |
The Psychology of Behavior Disorders |
Chave, Errnest J. - Measure Religion |
Measure Religion |
Clarke, E.T. - Small Sects of America |
See Allport, Gordon: Personality: A Psychological Interpretation |
cross reference |
Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and
Folly |
Wisdom, Madness and Folly |
Dollard, John - Frustration &
Aggression |
Frustration and Aggression |
2 |
Evans, Berger - Psychiatry of Robert
Burton |
The Psychiatry of Robert Burton |
Fromm - Escape from Freedom |
Escape From Freedom |
Gerth & Mills - Character and Social Structure |
Character and Social Structure |
Gluek, Sheldon - Juvenile Delinquents
Grown Up |
Juvenile Delinquents Grown Up |
Godwin, George - The Great Revivalists |
The Great Revivalists |
Groddeck, George - Exploring the
Unconscious |
Exploring the Unconscious |
Guillaume, Alfred - Prophesy and
Diviniation |
See May: "Springs & Creative Living" |
cross reference |
Harkness - Dark Night of Soul |
The Dark Night of the Soul |
Haydon, A.E. - Biography of the Gods |
"Biography of the Gods" |
Healy, Wm - Personality in Formation and
Action |
"Personality in Formation and Action" |
Horney - The Neurotic Personality of Our
Time |
"The Neurotic Personality of Our Time" |
Horney, K. - New Ways in Psychoanalysis |
New Ways in Psycho-analysis |
Minor Articles |
Horney, Karen - Our Inner Conflicts |
"Our Inner Conflicts" |
Hoskins - Biology of Schizophrenia |
"The Biology of Schizophrenia" |
Jenkins, R.L. - Breaking Patterns of
Defeat |
Breaking Patterns of Defeat |
Johnson, Paul E. - Psychology of
Religion |
The Psychology of Religion |
Jung, C.G. - Integration of the
Personality |
The Integration of the Personality |
Kemp, Charles F. - Physicians of the
Soul |
Physicians of the Soul |
Knudson, A.C. - Validity of Religious
Experience |
"The Validity of Religious Experience" |
Kunkel, F. - Creation Continues |
Creation Continues |
2 |
"A Psychiatrist on Matthew" |
Kunkel, & Dickerson - How Character
Develops |
"How Character Develops" |
Leslie - Religious Symptomatology |
Leslie: Religious Symptomatology in
a Schizophrenic Breakdown |
Lowrie, Walter - The Religion of a
Scientist |
Religion of a Scientist: Selections
from Gustav Th. Fechner |
2 |
May, Rollo - The Art of Counseling |
"The Art of Counseling" |
The Art of Counseling |
May, Rollo - Springs of Creative Living |
"Springs of Creative Living" |
May & Roberts - Reviews of their own
books |
"Psychotherapy and Anxiety" |
Meader, A. - Ways to Psychic Health |
"Ways to Psychic Health" |
Michalson - Faith for Personal Crisis |
Faith for Personal Crises |
Morris, Charles - Signs, Language and
Behavior |
Signs, Language and Behavior |
2 |
Reviews and Notices: Books New and Recent |
2 |
Mowrer - Crisis in Religion |
The Crisis in Psychiatry and Religion |
Mowrer:Crisis in Psychiatry and Religion - 2, 3 |
2 |
Outler - Review of Psychotherapy and Xn
Message |
Psychotherapy and the Christian Message |
2 |
Pike, James A. - Doing the Truth |
Doing the Truth |
Plant - Personality and the Culture
Pattern |
"Personality and the Culture Pattern" |
4 |
Reviews and Notices: Books New and Recent |
2 |
Durkheim, Emile. Elementary Forms of
the Religious Life |
Rapoport, Anatol - Science and the Goals
of Men |
Science and the Goals of Man |
Rank, Otto - Will Therapy, Truth and
Reality |
"Psychotherapy and Philosophy" |
2 |
Reich, Wilhelm - Book Reviews 1995 |
"The New Cult of Sex and Anarchy" |
"The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich" |
(The following book reviews were
writen for PSYCHIATRY |
12 |
Record of Pastoral Interview |
Roberts, David E - Psychotherapy and the
Christian View of Man |
Psychotherapy and the Christian View of Man |
2 |
Roberts - Psychotherapy and Christianity |
Psychotherapy and a Christian View of Man |
Sechehaye, M.A. - Symbolic Realization |
M.A. Sechehaye. Symbolic Realization |
Sheldon, W. H. - Psychology &
Promethean Will |
"Psychology and the Promethean Will" |
Sperry, W.L. - Ethical Basis of Medical
Practice |
The Ethical Basis of Medical Practice |
Wach, Joachim - Sociology of Religion in
Pastoral Psychology |
Sociology of Religion |
Pastoral Psychology (Vol 2, No 23) |
Westermarck, E. - Christianity and
Morals |
"Christianity and Morals" |
Weaterhead, L. Psychology, Religion and
Healing |
"Psychology, Religion and Healing" |
Winkler & Bromber - Mind Explorers |
"Making Psychology Live" |
Wise, Carroll A. - Religion in Illiness
and Health |
Religion in Illness and Health |
References |
Jung - Two Essays in Analytical Psychology
. |
Fiction |
Book Reviews in CTS Register |
CTS Register (March '34) |
pgs 37-38 |
2 |
CTS Register (March 1940) |
pgs 19-22 |
The Fifty Minute Hour |
The Fifty Minute Hour |
original |
Hygiene for the Soul |
Hygiene for the Soul |
original |
War, Peace and Non-resistance |
clipping |
War, Peace and Non-resistance |
manuscript |
The American Journal of Nursing (April 1946) |
pgs 277-278 |
The Human Frontier |
Nervous Disorders and Character |
Patterns of the Mind |
The History of Quakerism |
The Logic of Belief |
Getting Down to Cases |
Doing the Truth |
Thy Health Shall Spring Forth |
Dr Fromm's article on the contrasting
. |
Psychotherapy and the Christian View of Man |
Book Reviews and Notices |
CTS Register |
notes |
Jounal of Pastoral Care |
notes |
Pastoral Psychogy |
notes |
Can a Sick World Get Well? |
Dear Dr. Boisen (July 10, 1945) |
letter |
Dear Dr. Boisen (May 25, 1945) |
letter |
Dear Professor Boisen: (February 6, 1945) |
letter |
Dear Mrs. Bradley (20 May 1945) |
letter |
"Can a Sick World Get Well?" |
Christensen, C.W., Psychiatric
Counsultant to Garrett |
Dear Dr. Boisen: (July 18, 1955) |
letter |
Dear Dr. Christensen: (15 April 1955) |
letter |
Dr. Christensen's paper on the
. |
Christian Perfectionism |
"Christian Perfectionism" |
2 |
Christian Perfectionism |
manuscript |
The Church and the Sick Soul |
"The Church and Sick Souls" |
The Church's Age-Old Task |
manuscript |
Church and the Sick Soul |
The Church and the Sick Soul |
manuscript |
The Adult Bible Class Magazine (Vo.18, No.6) |
Clinical Year for Theol. Students |
Dear Dr. Boisen: (February 14, 1945) |
letter |
Dear Dr. Boisen, (February 6, 1945) |
letter |
Dear Anton: (Feb. 14, 1945) |
letter |
"Clinical Training for Theological Students" |
"Clinical Experience for Theological Students" |
Coe, George A. |
"Pioneer of Pastoral Psychology" |
Conscientious Objector |
The Adult Bible Class Magazine (Vo.18, No.10) |
2 |
The Coscientious Objector in America |
manuscript |
Christian Fellowhip Among the
Nations: A Discussion Course for Young People and Adults |
Conversion + Mental Health |
"Conversion and Mental Health" |
Escaping from the Blues |
Escaping from the Blues: Alcohol as
a Means of Dealing with the Sense of Failure |
The Adult Bible Class Magazine (October 1925) |
Experiment in Theological Education |
An Experiment in Theological Education |
manuscript |
2 |
Exploration of Inner World |
"The Exploration of the Inner World" |
Factors in Decline of Country Church |
Factors Which Have to do With the
Decline of the Country Church |
Georger Fox among the Doctors |
"George Fox Among the Doctors" |
"George Fox Among the Doctors" (Friends Intelligencer) |
5 |
God and the Cross in Human Experience |
"God and the Cross in Huuman Experience" |
Niebuhr and Fosdick on Sin |
"Niebuhr and Fosdick on Sin" |
2 |
Niebuhr and Fosdick on Sin |
manuscript |
2 |
Freud, Jung, Fromm |
"Freud, Jung, and Fromm" (Readers' Forum) |
Dr. Fromm's article on the
. |
Making Statistics Lie |
"Making Statistics Lie" (The New Republic) |
Making Statistics Lie |
2 |
The Literary Digest (Vo.86, No.1) |
Minister's Salaries |
Ministers' Salaries (Social Action) |
Introduction |
Ministry to Mentally Distressed |
The Ministry to the Mentally Distressed |
manuscript |
2 |
Pastoral Psychology - Consultanation
Clinic |
Pastoral Psychology - Consulation Clinic |
Pathological Anxiety |
"Is Psychotherapy a Religious
Process?" (Readers' Forum) |
3 |
Professor Tillich in his interesting
. |
manuscript |
Paul - (What happened on the road to
Damascus) |
"What Happened on the Road to Damascus?" |
Personality Adjustments in a Country
Parish |
"Personality Adjustments in a Country Parish" |
Prayer - A Bond Chapel Address |
From the standpoint of one whose task
Psychiatrist Challenges Minister |
"The Psychiatrist Challenges the Minister" |
2 |
Psychotherapy - et al in Form -
Dictionary of Theology |
Dear Dr. Boisen: (Aprisl 23 1943) |
letter |
Religious Ed - Human Nature |
Religious Education (January-March, 1940) |
Relgious Education - Human Nature |
Fundamental Assumptions of Religious
Education Regarding the Nature of Human Nature |
Religious Experience + Mental Disorder |
Concerning the Relationship Between
Religious Experience and Mental Disorders |
Religious Work in a State Hospital |
Religious Work in a State
Hospital |
manuscript |
Bulletin of the Massachusetts
Department of Mental Diseases (Vo.14, No. 1) |
Self Expression |
Dear Anton: (May 13, 1947) |
letter |
Dear Anton: (April 18, 1947) |
letter |
Dr. Anton T. Boisen, in his article
Self Expression |
manuscript |
The Pastor (April 1947) |
Service of Worship in Mental Hospital |
The Service of Worship in a Mental
Hospital: Its Therapeutic Significance |
Sick Souls |
"The Church and Sick Souls" |
Study of Mental Disorders |
The Study of Mental Disorders as a
Basis for a Program of Moral and Religious Re-education |
Theology and Education |
"Theology and Education" (Letters to the Editor) |
Theology and Education: A Communication |
manuscript |
Therapeutice Value of Hymns |
"Therapeutic Values of Chruch
Music and Hymns" (The Consulation Clinic) |
What a Country Minister Should Know |
What a Country Minister Should Know |
manuscript |
Boisen - The Woman to whom Jesus first
appeared |
Now when he was risen
manuscript |
Hiltner - Relgion and Health |
Greenwich Conference |
Christianity and Mental Hygiene |
Guibert, Abbot o Nogent-Sous-Coucy |
Excerpts from the Autobiography of
Buibert, Abbot of Nogen-Sous-Coucy |
Literature of Pastoral Counseling |
"The Literature of Pastoral
Counseling - Past, Present, and Future" |
Miscel. Mimeographed Papers |
Jack |
Some Implications of Process
Philosophy for Psychothearpeutic Theory |
Pastoral Psychology and Constructive Theology |
Miscel. Reprints |
Improving Protestant Worship in Mental Hospitals |
Religion and Psychoanaylsis |
"Is Kinsey's View Anti-Christian?" (Christian Century) |
"Psychotherapy and the
Christian Message (The Journal of Religion) |
The Psychological Understanding of Religion |
"Toward and Ethical
Conscience" (The Journal of Religion) |
What Clinical Training Does for
Clergymen (Information Service) |
2 |
Alcohol Addiction - A Problem for
the Chruch (Information Service) |
Pittsburgh Conference |
Clinical Training in Theological
Education in the Post-War World |
Dear Dr. Boisen (March 10, 1944) |
letter |
Dear Seward:- (15 March 1944) |
letter |
Dear Seward:- (I have your letter
) |
letter |
Dear Dr. Boisen: (March 17, 1944) |
letter |
Dear Dr. Boisen: (April 11, 1944) |
letter |
Dear Seward:- (20 March 1944) |
letter |
2 |
Dear Dr. Boisen: (July 5, 1944) |
letter |
Memorandum to Those Invited to Participate in the National Conference on Clinical Training in Theological
Education in the Post-War World |
memo |
Jesus Saves: History and Testimony of Stanley C. Page |
Report to the Deans of Seminaries of
the Protestant Episcopal Church: |
Practical Field in Theology |
The Practical Field in Theolgical
Education with special reference to pastoal care and counseling |
Professional Aspect of Theological
Education |
The Professional Aspect of Theological Education |
Publicaitons of Dept. |
Standards for the Work of the
Chaplain in the General Hospital |
Personal Application of Mental Hygiene in War Time |
How to Make an Evangelistic Call: An
Aid to Workers in Home Visitation Evangelism |
If Bereavement Comes |
Religion and Health: Origin and Five Years of Progress |
A Workshop in Personal Counseling |
Protestant Religious Work in Mental Hospitals |
Recent Trends in Psychiatry of
Particular Significance for Religion |
Religious Work in Protestant Hospitals |
Religion and Personality (Spring 1951) |
The Future of Chaplaincy Service |
Grief |
Report to Sponsors of the Conference |
Exectuive Secretary's Report |
Report of the Subcommittee on
Clinical Training of Theological Students |
The Department of Pastoral Services:
Result of Expanded Work in Religion and Health |
(blank) |
Report on Interview with Applicants for Training |
Worship Serv. In M.H. |
Improving Protestant Worship in Mental Hospitals |
4 |
(not in folder) |
CTS Register (Vo.41 No.1) |
Holt, A. E. |
Mimeographed Papers |
Farmers Speak for Themselves on the Debt Problem |
An Outline for the Study of
Congregational-Christian Churches of Illinois |
Chicago from the Observation Tower |
The Integration of Personal and Group Ethics |
chart |
Instrument of Analysis for Exploring Ethical Situations |
The Place of the Property Holder in
American Social and Religious Life |
American Protestant Relgion and the Trader Class |
Being and Account of Voyage of GBS
& AEH: From New York to Capetown |
Sociology of Confucianism |
The Hindu Family |
Outline of Course on Church and
Social Order (January 2, 1942) |
Outline of Course on Church and
Social Order (January 2, 1941) |
Microbe Hunters in the Realm of Social Conflict |
Outline of Course on Growth of
Social Conscience of the American Churches |
Outline: Orientation in Christian Ethics |
Reprints & Articles |
Report on Reading and Notes for Psychopathic Seminar |
My dear Dr. Tufts:- (July 18, 1923) |
letter |
Legitimate Fields for Research |
Case Method and Teaching at Chicago
Theological Seminary |
"An American Scene: Democracy and Christianity" |
"How Can the Minister Cooperate
with the Social Worker?" |
(photo) |
photo |
Outline Study in Christianity and Rural Life Problems |
The Fifth Biennial Meeting of the
Conference of Theological Seminaries and Colleges in the Unites States and
Canada |
Case Records as Data for Studying
the Conditioning of Relgious Experience by Social Factors |
"The Chruch and the 'Community Center.'" |
Denominationalism and Social Thinking |
The Message of Arthur E. Holt |
A Path-finder in Theologicla Education |
"Cities and Revolution" (The Christian World) |
"Is There a Protestant Theory
of Social Action?" (The Christian Century) |
"The Community of the Holy
Imagination" (The Christian Century) |
Social Conscience of Am. Churches |
The Decalouge as a Social Manifesto |
Case Records as Data for Studying
the Conditioning of Relgious Experience by Social Factors |
The Social Conscience of the American churches
Social Action in Bombay (Social Action Vo.3, No.7) |
Hoskins |
Hoskins - Various Reprints |
An Endocrine Approach to Psychodynamics |
Effect of "Habituation" on
Blood Pressure in Schizophrenia |
An Hypothesis Regarding Cycles of
Behavior in a Schizophrenic Patient |
A "Blind Test" of
Sex-Hormone Potency in Schizophrenic Patients |
Endocrinology of Today: Endocrine
Factors in Personality |
Physiological Factors in Personality |
Studies on the Personality Structure
of Schizophrenic Individuals: I. The Accessibility of Schizophrenics to
Environmental Influences |
Studies on the
Personality Structure of Schizophrenic Individuals: II. Reaction to
Interrupted Tasks |
For many practical
manuscript |
A Constructive Approach
to the Problem of Dementia Praecox |
2 |
Theerapeutic Procedures Chart |
chart |
Dementia Praecox: A Simplified Formulation |
4 |
The Schizophrenic
Personality with Special Regard to Psychologic and Organic Concomitants |
Endocrinology |
The Problem of
Psychogenic Precipitation in Schizophrenia |
The Photoscope as an
Objective Device for Evaluating Sexual Interest |
An Analysis of the
Schizophrenia Problem from the Standpoint of the Investigator |
"Inappropriate Laughter" and "Silliness"
in Schizophrenia |
Dementia Praecox: A Persistent Dream State |
chart |
Basal Metabolism in Schizophrenia |
Hoskins - Various Reprints
(cont'd) |
Physiologic Aspects of Schizophrenic Withdrawal |
Grading of Patients in
Mental Hospitals as a Therapeutic Measure |
The Psychological Treatment of the Menopause |
Dreams of Schizophrenic Patients |
A Note on the
Ineffectualness of Sex-Hormone Medicaiton in a Case of Pronounced
Homosexuality |
Endocrine Factors in Behavior |
A Cooperative Research in Schizophrenia |
Studies on Thyroid
Medicaiton: I. Some Conditions Determining the Haematopoietic Effects |
A Case of hebephrenic
Dementia Praecox with Marked Improvement Under Thyroid Treatment |
The Thyroid Factor in Dementia Praecox |
McPeek - Labor Letter |
Labor Letter |
Newsletter # 6 |
Newsletter # 7 |
Newsletter # 7-A |
Newsletter # 16 |
Newsletter # 17 |
Newsletter # 18 |
Newsletter # 19 |
Newsletter # 20 |
Newsletter # 21 |
Newsletter # 22 |
Newsletter # 23 |
Newsletter # 24 |
Newsletter # 25 |
Newsletter # 26 |
Newsletter # 27 |
Newsletter # 28 |
Newsletter # 29 |
Newsletter # 30 |
Newsletter # 31 |
Newsletter # 33 |
Newsletter # 34 |
Newsletter # 35 |
Newsletter # 36 |
Newsletter # 37 |
Newsletter # 39 |
Newsletter # 40 |
Newsletter # 41 |
Newsletter # 41-A |
Newsletter # 42 |
Newsletter # 43 |
Newsletter # 44 |
Newsletter # 46 |
Newsletter # 47 |
Newsletter # 50 |
Newsletter # 51 |
Newsletter # 52 |
Newsletter # 53 |
Newsletter # 54 |
Newsletter # 55 |
Newsletter # 56 |
Newsletter # 57 |
Newsletter # 58 |
Newsletter # 59 |
Newsletter # 60 |
Newsletter # 61 |
Newsletter # 63 |
Newsletter # 63-A |
Newsletter # 64 |
Newsletter # 65 |
Newsletter # 66 |
Newsletter # 67 |
Newsletter # 68 |
Newsletter # 69 |
Labor Letter cont'd |
Newsletter # 70 |
Newsletter # 71 |
Newsletter # 72 |
Newsletter # 73 |
Newsletter # 74 |
Newsletter # 75 |
Newsletter # 76 |
Newsletter # 77 |
Newsletter # 78 |
Newsletter # 79 |
Newsletter # 80 |
Newsletter # 81 |
Newsletter # 82 |
Newsletter # 84 |
Newsletter # 86 |
Newsletter # 89 |
Newsletter # 91 |
Newsletter # 92 |
Newsletter # 94 |
Newsletter # 95 |
Newsletter # 96 |
Newsletter # 98 |
Newsletter # 99 |
Newsletter # 101 |
Newsletter # 107 |
Newsletter # 109 |
Newsletter # 110 |
Newsletter # 111 |
National Citizens Council for Migrant Labor |
Dear Dr. Boisen: (17 September 1949) |
letter |
(not in folder) |
Francis W. McPeek - A Tribute |
6 |
(not in folder) |
Ideas of Prophetic Mission |
66 |
(not in folder) |
Inspiration in the Light of Psychopathology |
29 |