Mimeographed Records - Hospital Cases
File Name Titles (Description) copies
Clining Vine
Edith K - "Clinging Vine" The Clinging Vine: A Social Case Record bound 2
The Clinging Vine 17
The Clinging Vine manuscript
Kempf, AN3
Kempf Case AN3 An Unhappy Scientist (His father, he said, ...) 15
Kempf Case AN3 (cont'd) An Unhappy Scientist (His father, he said, ...) 15
Kempf - Unhappy Scientist - comments by ATB An Unhappy Scientist (Case AN3 in Kempf's Psychopathology is ...) 13
Kempf, Edward J.: Psychopathology 2
Kempf. AN3 - Comments by ATB & by Beatty The Unhappy Scientist
Dear Anton: (16 October 1945) letter
Kendall, G.
Kendall, Garland - The Highwayman Garland Kendall, age 20; race, Irish; 24
Garland Kendall age 20; Irish-American parentage; 4
Kane, James (John Kirk)
Kirk, John - Theological Student John Kirk: age 23; Ht. 5'11", Wt. 160 lbs; (longer) 4
John Kirk: age 23; Ht. 5'11", Wt. 160 lbs; (shorter) 7
A Theological Student 73
James Kane interviewed …
James Kane (Worcester State Hospital)
McMurtrie, C. Charles McMurtrie, age 18 years; race, mixed; 29
A Bad Boy 2
A Case of Anxiety Neurosis
Marderos M.
Marderos M. Marderos M …, age44; race, Armenian; 39
An Embittered Husband 9
The Successful Treatment of a Case of Chronic Paranoia
Narderod Mousigian
Mickle, Benjamin
"Jonas" A Modern Jonah & Foreward folder-bound + pic 2
Mickle, B. A Modern Jonah   folder-bound  
Questions, Jonas Jonah - Benjamin Mickle, (colored); age 40; born in South Carolina;
(Jonas - 1) - Remarks 2
Jonas - Questions 16
Messenger (Vol. 21 - No. 3)
M Please to establish my valuable paper above the United, States. … packaged 
George N. (RC)
George N - R. Clark The Student Volunteer 48
Newman W.
Warren, Newman A Would-Be Musician 7
Warren Newman, age 24; race English;  22
W. N. age 24, race English; church, Baptist
George Fox
Oscar Olsen A Devoted Husband 11
Diagnostic Impression 34
Olsen, Oscar - The Devoted Husband A Devoted Husband 21
Olsen, Olaf Dear Mrs. Olsen:- (29 May 1932) letter
The Bet with God
Why did this man get "upset"? notes
O'Neil M
O'Neill - Michael Michael O'Neill 12
Mike 4
Michael Shea
Peterson, John
Peterson, J  John Peterson: a short, stocky man of 38 years 11
A Penitent Don Juan 18
The Interrelationship of Mental Illness and Religious Experience 44
Dear Joe: (12 May 1959) letter
Dear Friend, (April 29, 1928) correspondence
Our Christmas Wish Christmas card
Posenau, Carl
Posenau, Carl (The Backslider) A Back-Slider 4
The Back-Slider
The Back-Slider + Introduction
C. F. Otto Posenau - A Supplementary Report 2
Carlott Posneau - Boston Psycopathic Hospital
Proulx - Mary Lou
Proulx, M. L. M. L. P.; age, 20; race, Creole; religion, R. C.; 10
A Page of the Blessed Virgin M. L. P.; age, 20; race, Creole; religion, R. C.; 3
A Page of the Blessed Virgin 3
M. L. P. - An Interpretation
Village Reformer
Reformer, The Village The Village Reformer 6
The Village Reformer & notes folder-bound
Reformer, The Village (cont'd) The Village Reformer 16
Village Refomer The Village Reformer 18
Richards, Gilbert
Roberts, Graham - Gilbert, Richards Gilbert Richards 3
Graham Roberts - age 21; Ht. 5'5"; Wt. 111 lbs; 41
Rainbow's End
Rosen, A. The Rainbow's End folder-bound
The Rainbow's End 9
The Rainbow's End - Questions
A Case of Anxiety Neurosis 2
Rosenquish, Wilhelmina
Rosenquish, Wilhelmina Wilheimina R. age 60, Ht. 5 ft. 8 in., Wt. 150 lbs.; 15
A Faithful Wife 7
Diagnostic Summary 51
notes and letters
Sadler, Charles (Crawford S.)
Crawford S. Crawford S. Age 42; a slender man of medium height … 19
Crawford S. - 1 8
History of Present Illness 3
Crawford S. - 3 9
Sadler, Charles - Worcester State Hospital
George Fox - Questions
Personality Changes and Upheavals Arising Out of the Sense of Personal Failure
Simmons, Harvey
Simmons, Harvey Harvey Simmons; age 29, born in Ohio of American parentage; 18
A Project for the Study of the Religious Factors in Schizophrenia
Vastlee Superea
Vastlee Superea Vastlee Sperea 20
Vastlee Sperea (7-1-60) 24
Spunt, Arnorld
Spunt, Arnorld Spunt, Arnold 15
A Mischief-Maker 23
Clayton, Taylor
Clayton, Taylor Clayton Taylor, age 20 yers; Ht. 5 ft. 9 in.; 23
An Object of Contention 6
Warren, E.
Warren, Edward A Salesman
notes   32x44 brown paper
Dr Friend; (April 27, 1931) letter
The Roman Hymn 2
Elwyn Wakefield 2
Warren, Edwin notes notes
A Salesman 22
A Salesman (-1) 4
Salesman - 2 4
Edwin Warren - 2 8
Whelan, A.
Augustine - History - Our Story Augustine folder-bound
Augustine 3
Wilhrow, C. R.
Wilhrow, C. R. A Call to Preach 12
Dear Edmund: (10 November 1953) letter
Case Analysis 2
Zuidema, Albert
Zuidema, Albert Zuidema, Albert 46
Zuidema, Albert - (Diagnostic Impression) 73
Suicide in My Church
Suicide - case of in my Church "A Case of Suicide in My Church" 27